
Six Appointed to Ethics Commission

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Six additional members, including Roman Catholic Archbishop Roger Mahony, have been named to a City Hall ethics commission created by Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley.

The formation of the seven-member panel was announced by Bradley last week, the morning after his surprisingly poor showing in the city election, which he attributed partly to a controversy over fees he accepted from financial institutions doing business with the city. The panel, to be headed by former California Common Cause Chairman Geoffrey Cowan, has been asked to draft a new, tougher ethics code for City Hall.

Other members named were retired Superior Court Judge Delbert E. Wong, Rabbi Allen Freehling of the University Synagogue in West Los Angeles, attorney Gilbert Ray, a partner in the firm of O’Melveny & Myers and a National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People board member; Los Angeles County Bar Assn. President Margaret M. Morrow, and Antonia Hernandez, general counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund.
