
Cartoon Moonshine

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I recently took my young son to see the Walt Disney movie, “The Rescuers,” and I was extremely disturbed by one aspect of it.

A character in the film (whose name I believe is Barnaby) is very attached to his jug of moonshine. Barnaby repeatedly offers moonshine to characters who have become tired or despondent. Each time he exhorts, “It’ll make a new man of ya!” or words to that effect. And each time the potion seems to have an energizing effect.

Parents, schools, law enforcement, the government, children’s television programmers and others are struggling to teach our young that drugs are not the answer to problems. I am at a loss for words to express my anger, disappointment and sorrow that a company such as Walt Disney Productions apparently is not sensitive to the importance that its messages and images can carry for young children.



San Juan Capistrano
