
Legal Eagles (Channel 5 Sunday at 8...

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Legal Eagles (Channel 5 Sunday at 8 p.m.) is a real bummer--an inept, incoherent and charmless would-be romantic comedy-mystery that wastes Robert Redford, Debra Winger and Daryl Hannah. Redford plays a Manhattan assistant D.A., a dedicated careerist plunged into a nightmare when he crosses paths with Winger’s single-minded attorney, whose spacey client is Hannah, accused of stealing one of her late father’s priceless paintings.

Rick Schroder stars in the new TV movie Out on the Edge (CBS Sunday at 9 p.m.), a drama about a troubled teen-ager committed against his will to a behavior treatment center.

John Hughes’ 1986 Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (NBC Sunday at 9 p.m.) offers a tantalizing fantasy for adults as well as kids: What if you could fool your parents and teachers (or your boss) into thinking you were sick, earning yourself a 24-hour free ride from the boredom and responsibilities of real life? Unfortunately, Matthew Broderick, in the title role, is so smug and invincible he doesn’t give us any chance to root for him.


Kicking off a new monthly series of prime-time movies on Fox Broadcasting, David Cronenberg’s dazzling, unsettling 1986 remake of The Fly (Channel 11 Monday at 8 p.m.) is as much a romantic tragedy as a black-humored horror film, but it unfolds with such eerie grandeur that it will leave you stoked with a creepy high hours after it’s over. Jeff Goldblum stars as the scientist who falls victim to a botched teleportation experiment, and Geena Davis is the science reporter who becomes fiercely devoted to him; both are outstanding.

No Mercy (Channel 13 Monday at 8 p.m.) is a gaudy, violent 1986 love-on-the-run thriller that finds Richard Gere’s rebellious Chicago cop and Kim Basinger’s fiery New Orleans moll handcuffed and racing through the Louisiana bayous. Sleek but empty.

Holly Hunter stars in the new TV movie Roe vs. Wade (NBC Monday at 9 p.m.) as the woman who challenged the nation’s abortion laws, and Amy Madigan plays the attorney who argued her case all the way to the Supreme Court.


As a comedy-Western, Kenny Rogers as The Gambler (Channel 11 Tuesday at 8 p.m.) was nothing special, but Rogers’ fans made this 1980 TV movie, based on his hit song of the same name, one of the most popular TV movies ever, spawning a sequel, which will be shown on Channel 11 Wednesday and Thursday at 8 p.m.

Remo Williams (Channel 13 Tuesday at 8 p.m.) is a slam-bang 1985 action-adventure loaded with surprises. Just when you think it’s going to be just another bone-cruncher steeped in patriotic paranoia, it sends itself up hilariously. Fred Ward stars as a New York cop turned super-secret intelligence agent; his first assignment turns out to be a deceptively frail, elderly little Korean (a tour de force by an unrecognizable Joel Grey).

Trouble in Paradise (CBS Tuesday at 9 p.m.) is not a remake of the Lubitsch classic but a new TV movie starring Raquel Welch and Jack Thompson as a widow and a sailor cast adrift on a South Seas island.


Airplane! (Channel 13 Wednesday at 8 p.m.) is that light, fast and supremely nutty 1980 send-up of “Airport” and all its sequels. It’s the work of the co-creators of the Kentucky Fried Theater, Jim Abrahams and David and Jerry Zucker. Robert Hays and Julie Hagerty star, but it’s the veterans Peter Graves, Lloyd Bridges, Robert Stack and especially Leslie Nielsen who create much of the laughter. Alas, its own 1982 sequel, which screens Thursday on Channel 13 at 8 p.m., isn’t nearly as funny.

Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (Channel 13 Friday at 8 p.m.) is highly derivative, especially of “The Road Warrior,” an obstacle course in which anti-hero Peter Strauss is off to the unpleasant planet Terra Eleven in search of three apparently kidnaped spacewomen. Originally released (in 1983) in 3-D.

There’s more to admire than to enjoy in British film maker Tony Palmer’s Testimony (Channel 28 Friday at 9 p.m.; Channel 50 Saturday at 9 p.m.), a handsome though oblique and utterly demanding two-hour, 37-minute contemplation of the tormented life of Soviet composer Dmitri Shostakovich, played with repressed passion by Ben Kingsley. In essence, Palmer presents the composer’s life in a series of bleak tableaux depicting his increasing struggle to square his creative impulses with the treacherous and fluctuating Stalinist line.

The ratings checks on movies in the TV log are provided by the Tribune TV Log listings service.
