
UCI Medical Center and its Problems

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It is ironic that your paper should print an article last Sunday relating to the serious financial plight of UCI Medical Center then follow it on Wednesday (May 10) with a mawkishly sentimental and sympathetic piece which perfectly illustrates one of the main causes of the problem.

The man came to this country uninvited and illegally. He is now receiving very expensive medical treatment at no cost to him; he has a wife (did she come here illegally too?) and three children with another on the way, all of whom will expect not only free medical attention but free education. And all five of them, soon six, living in a one-room apartment--which I could swear was against the health laws--and you expect the law-abiding, self-supporting taxpayers of this country to look after them and the tens of thousands like them? No, Los Angeles Times, you can turn off the maudlin violin music.

I reserve my sympathy for those who are here legally and are paying their way.


Laguna Hills
