
Public Servants

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Every time I hear of another Tom Bradley, Jim Wright, Tony Coelho, or any public official being involved in questionable financial practices, I am reminded of a statement by former President Harry Truman that I framed and hung on my wall:

“In all my long career I had certain rules which I followed win, lose or draw. I refused to handle any political money in any way whatever. I engaged in no private interests whatever that could be helped by local, state or national governments. I refused presents, hotel accommodations or trips which were paid for by private parties.

“There were opportunities wholesale for making immense amounts of money at the county level and also in the Senate. I lived on the salary I was legally entitled to and considered that I was employed by the taxpayers and the people of my county, state and nation. I made no speeches for money or expenses while I was in the Senate, or as V.P. or as President.


“I would much rather be an honorable public servant and known as such than to be the richest man in the world.”

--Harry S. Truman

I have nothing to add.


Sherman Oaks
