
Media Column

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Please save us from the cynical, self-pious style of “reporting” that Times writer Kevin Brass has taken to new heights with his May 15 article about Steve Garvey-as-Hero.

After listening to a first-person interview about the lifesaving incident involving Garvey (which aired on KSDO News Radio the same day Brass’ article ran), a reasonable person could only conclude that Garvey did, indeed, save a young girl from death by drowning on May 6.

Therefore, Brass’ observations about how the local media chose to cover the legitimate news event hardly qualifies as interesting reading.


With mock journalistic integrity, Brass stops just a hair short of accusing Garvey of staging the entire incident and the local press of being his unwitting dupes.

Yet, by strong repeated innuendo, he draws that unmistakable conclusion for his readers--and, ironically, crosses that fine line himself, from public trust to irresponsible journalism.

Perhaps Brass is right about one thing: These days, a legitimate news story about Steve Garvey is proving to be impossible for the press to distinguish.



Del Mar
