

<i> Compiled by Alma Cook, Times researcher </i>

Graduation ceremonies for the following universities were held Sunday.

The University of La Verne presented the 23,000th degree conferred since its founding in 1891 in an afternoon ceremony on Arnett Field on campus. Kyhl S. Smeby, chairman of the board of KCET-TV in Los Angeles and retired executive vice president of Bank of America, delivered the commencement address. Degrees were awarded to 1,562 students, the largest graduating class in the university’s history.

Loma Linda University kicked off two weeks of commencement ceremonies with graduations for the schools of medicine and dentistry on the University Mall. Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, co-director, section of neurosurgical oncology, and assistant professor of neurological surgery, oncology and pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University and Hospital, spoke at the School of Medicine’s graduation; 129 students received degrees during a morning ceremony. The School of Dentistry awarded degrees to 144 students at an evening ceremony that featured keynote speaker Richard C. Oliver, professor of periodontology and health ecology at the University of Minnesota.
