
Irvine : University High Plans a $26,000 Grad Night

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University High School will launch its first-ever Grad Night on June 21, culminating 10 months of work by parents and a $26,000 fund-raising effort for the event.

Grad Night parties are drug- and alcohol-free, all-night celebrations on campus sponsored by the parents at various high schools. About half of Orange County’s high schools now feature Grad Nights, which are held the evening of high school graduation ceremonies.

University High students and parents had given Grad Night strong support, said Roberta Dieter, a parent and public relations spokeswoman for the Grad Night Committee. “Tickets are still on sale, and our goal is to have 100% attendance by our 480 graduating seniors,” Dieter said.


The tickets are $45 per student and may be purchased at the high school’s student activities office.

The Grad Night party theme will be “Jamaican Cruise.”
