
Abortion Activists Plan Demonstrations

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Pro-choice and anti-abortion activists whose Easter confrontations at women’s clinics prompted more than 1,000 arrests announced another round of protests for today.

Pro-choice leaders at the Fairfax-area headquarters of Feminist Majority said Friday they will meet Saturday’s “day of rescue” by Operation Rescue, a militant anti-abortion group, with counterdemonstrations.

Operation Rescue, meanwhile, held so-called “pre-rescue” rallies Friday night at churches in Los Angeles, Santa Ana and San Diego.


Operation Rescue spokeswoman Susan Finn said there would be demonstrations at abortion clinics Saturday, but would not disclose their locations.

Pro-choice activists planned to gather at 15 women’s health clinics in Los Angeles and Orange counties at 5 a.m. today, Elbag said. They planned to stage counter protests as soon as they learned which clinics were targeted by Operation Rescue, she said.
