
Norwalk : Schools Apply for 2 Grants to Run Gang, Drug Projects

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The Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District has applied for county and federal funds totaling more than $200,000 to implement new anti-gang projects.

The seven-member board Tuesday unanimously approved applications for grants to the Los Angeles County Office of Education and the federal Department of Health and Human Services.

The county grant is for $92,250 and the federal one is for $115,686. The 18,000-student district must compete with other agencies for the money but expects to hear by next month whether it will receive the grants, said Johnna Moore, director of secondary education.


A portion of the federal money will be used to hire a project director to coordinate district anti-gang and anti-drug programs and work closely with gang projects in the cities served by the school system, Moore said.

Part of the county funds will be used to hire two counselors to provide anti-gang instruction to high school and elementary students, Moore said.
