
The San Francisco producer who is putting...

The San Francisco producer who is putting Ken Hill’s “The Phantom of the Opera” on tour (see story Page 7) has accused the Celebrity Theatre in Anaheim of selling tickets to the show and advertising it without legal authorization. “The show is not coming to Anaheim,” Jonathan Reinis said Wednesday. “They are not authorized to present it in any form or manner. They’ve been selling tickets illegally. They are advertising it illegally.” Reinis, who owns American rights to this “Phantom” (not to be confused with Andrew Lloyd Webber’s version), said the Celebrity Theatre has ignored “repeated requests” since January to stop selling tickets. At the office of the Celebrity’s parent company in Phoenix, company official Bill Taylor said: “This is the first I’ve heard” of the matter. He said the owner of the company, Ed Haddad, could not be reached for comment. Nick Masters, the booking manager of the Celebrity, also could not be reached for comment. On Wednesday, the Celebrity box office was still selling tickets to Hill’s “Phantom,” which is advertised to run Dec. 26 through 30. Reinis said the theater had negotiated for the show but had “never consummated its contract.” He said his attorney sent the theater another letter Wednesday demanding that it “ceast and desist” from selling or advertising the show, and threatened legal action if it did not.
