
North’s Sentence in Iran-Contra Fiasco

North gets off with a slap on the wrist. That man did more to desecrate our flag and make a mockery of what America stands for than could a platoon of flag-burning arsonists. He violated the very basis of our democratic society in the name of patriotism. His actions were either very misguided, or very hypocritical.

Gesell’s actions are understandable, if a bit parochial. I don’t consider North to be a violent criminal, but his crimes were indeed crimes of violence--violence to the people of Central America, violence to people around the Persian Gulf, violence to democratic adherents in every country.

The United States does try to show that democracy is the best form of government that imperfect man has yet devised. Unfortunately, North threw a great big monkey wrench into the works, and our ability to set a good example has suffered greatly.



Laguna Beach
