
Council, Police OK 4-Year Pay Agreement

Times Staff Writer

After six months of negotiations, the Glendale City Council and the Glendale Police Officers Assn. agreed on a four-year contract that gives police officers raises of at least 15% and education incentives.

The agreement, approved by the association Monday and the council Tuesday, will give the city’s 185 sworn officers and sergeants a 5% raise in each of the next three years. In the fourth year, officers will receive a cost-of-living salary adjustment of up to 9%.

Also included in the second and fourth years are additional pay hikes of 2% for sergeants. The city also agreed to improve assignment pay, uniform allowances and medical insurance.


“We think these are very fair and equitable compensations that will allow our police force to continue to provide the excellent level of service we are accustomed to,” Mayor Jerold Milner said in the council chambers after the council quickly approved the agreement in a closed meeting.

$20 Million for Police

The pay increases will add $963,843 per year to the city budget, raising the annual police protection cost to more than $20 million, Milner said.

The contract also includes educational incentives providing extra pay for officers who take optional training classes offered by the department or obtain high scores on skill tests, such as marksmanship.


“The overall package is very satisfactory and I think the incentives are very fair,” said Sgt. Pete Michael, a member of the police union’s negotiating team.

The new agreement will also allow senior officers to choose permanent work shifts.

Milner said the four-year agreement was the longest term salary contract in the city’s history.
