
Transit Panel Votes to Fight Robbins Bill

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The Los Angeles County Transportation Commission has voted to continue fighting legislation that would force it to extend the downtown-to-North Hollywood Metro Rail line underground through the east San Fernando Valley instead of building a cheaper light-rail system.

Saying it interferes with local decision making, commissioners voted 8 to 2 Wednesday to oppose the bill by state Sen. Alan Robbins (D-Tarzana).

“I don’t know why we need a commission if each route is going to be legislated from Sacramento,” said Commissioner Barna Szabo.


Acting on behalf of the commission’s Government Relations and Finance Committee, commission representatives in Sacramento have already testified against the bill, which was reported out of the Assembly Transportation Committee last week.

Under the bill, the line would run on the Southern Pacific railroad’s little-used Burbank branch that crosses the Valley from North Hollywood to Warner Center parallel to Chandler and Victory boulevards and Oxnard and Topham streets.

To satisfy homeowners, the line would be either underground or in a deep trench in residential areas.


To cut costs, the line would end in the Sepulveda Basin. Travelers bound for the West Valley would transfer to buses.
