
Rites Assured for Santa Ana Boy

<i> From Times staff reports</i>

Offers of cash donations have ensured that 8-year-old Omar Jimenez, killed when a window fell on him at his Santa Ana house, will have a funeral and burial close to home, a spokeswoman for his family said this morning.

Before noon today, more than 40 people had called either The Times or Brown Colonial Mortuary in Santa Ana and offered to help pay for the boy’s funeral, estimated to cost $3,000.

Omar was born in the United States, but the family said that without financial help, they would have to take his body to Mexico for a less costly burial.


Rosary will be sung at 7 p.m. today in the mortuary chapel at 204 W. 17th St. Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Saturday in Our Lady of the Pillar Catholic Church, 1622 W. 6th St., Santa Ana, with burial afterward in Holy Sepulcher Cemetery in Orange.

Omar died Wednesday after he returned home from school and, having forgotten his door key, tried to climb into the house through an open window. The window slid down onto him, apparently causing him to suffocate, authorities said.
