
Muralist Draws Tribute, Empathy

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Every day on my way to work I pass the beautiful mural that Kent Twitchell has been painting on the wall near the Manchester off-ramp from the northbound San Diego Freeway. This mural is the most enjoyable part of my daily drive because I recognize the talent, work, training and skill necessary to bring it to life. I am the daughter, daughter-in-law, wife and mother of artists, two of them professionals.

Then, last week, I was jolted by the impotent gesture of graffiti that some idiot had sprayed onto the mural. It sickens me that there are people who are so dead set against beauty in the world and would destroy the efforts of people who contribute their talent to the enjoyment of everyone. And it saddens me even more that Mr. Twitchell would withhold his abilities because of these few imbeciles. However, I certainly understand his hurt and frustration at the unwarranted destruction of his work, and I would also understand why we would lose future contracts with him.

Whatever you decide, Mr. Twitchell, please know that millions of us support your work, even though we may not always speak out. By the same token, we will support your decision not to subject yourself to such indignities, should you so choose. However, your work will be missed, and we’ll all be poorer for the lack of it.



