
Long Beach Museum of Art Presents 2 Unusual Exhibitions

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Two highly unusual exhibitions are now being presented at the Long Beach Museum of Art. “Hidden Assets: Selections from the Permanent Collection” and “Reconstructed Realms” will be on display through Sept. 17.

“Hidden Assets” will feature paintings, sculpture, drawings and prints from three categories. One group will contain work by American artists before 1950, including of George Bellows, Thomas Hart Benton, Ralph A. Blakelock, George L. Brown, Isabel Bishop, Morris Graves, Paul Landacre, Louis Lozowick and Abraham Walkowitz.

The second group, drawn from the museum’s renowned Wichner collection, contains paintings, drawings, watercolors and graphics by early 20th Century European masters Alexej Jawlensky, Vasily Kandinsky, Lionel Feininger, Oskar Fischinger and Laszlo Moholy-Nagy.


The third group contains works by contemporary artists dating from 1950 to the present. Featured are the paintings, drawings, sculpture and graphics of Don Bachardy, Jennifer Bartlett, Billy Al Bengston, Tony Berlant, Joan Brown, Lorser Feitelson, Phillip Guston, Luis Jimenez, Craig Kauffman, Gabe Kohn, Helen Lundeberg, Allan McCollum, Joseph Raffael, Vic Smith and Joyce Treisman.

“Reconstructed Realms” highlights the museum’s video collection, one of the largest on the West Coast. In this exhibit, landscapes are presented in a video format. Included are “Two Channel Music Tape: Spring and Fall” by Paul Garrin and Nam June; “Cascade: Vertical Landscapes” by Carol Ann Klonarides and Michael Owen; “Berlin: Tourist Journal” by Ken Kobland; “Hard and Flexible Music” by Bob Snyder; “Hitchcock Trilogy” by Rea Tajiri; “Peggy and Fred in Kansas” by Leslie Thorton.
