
Rose Not Suspended for Altercation : NL Wouldn’t Say if He Was Fined for Set-To With Umpire

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From Associated Press

Embattled Cincinnati manager Pete Rose escaped a suspension for his latest altercation with an umpire, the National League said today. However, the league, in keeping with its policy, did not say if Rose was fined.

In a brief statement issued through his office in New York, President Bill White said in part, “After reviewing all the reports and tapes from the game, I have taken the appropriate disciplinary action, and the matter is now closed.”

White did not elaborate on what action was taken because of the incident in Tuesday’s game between the Reds and Chicago Cubs that involved Rose and umpire Joe West.


“No suspensions were involved, and we don’t announce fines,” said Katy Feeney, the league’s director of media and public affairs. “Normally, we don’t make a statement in this situation, but we did this time because of all the hullabaloo. All I can say is that he (White) has taken appropriate disciplinary action against the appropriate personnel.”

Rose says he did not shove the umpire but merely tried to restrain him from going after Reds second baseman Ron Oester.

“I didn’t shove anybody in a blue uniform,” Rose said Wednesday before he was questioned by White. “I’m not an expert at shoving umpires. I did it one time in my life, and I paid dearly, both in days and in money.”


Rose was suspended for 30 days and fined $10,000 last season for shoving umpire Dave Pallone. Former NL president Bart Giamatti, now commissioner, handed down that punishment.

White went to Cincinnati to talk with Rose, Oester, West, other umpires and others who had witnessed the incident at Riverfront Stadium before the Reds’ 5-1 loss to Chicago. He then returned to New York and reviewed the reports and tapes from the game.

The incident began after Oester was called out on strikes by home plate umpire Bill Hohn, ending the Reds’ 5-2, 12-inning loss to the Cubs on Tuesday night.


Oester argued with Hohn and then with West, who shoved the second baseman twice. Rose got between them and lightly pushed West in the chest with his left forearm.
