
New Anthem


Dick Reed’s thoughts (letter, Aug. 3) concerning desecration of our national anthem are well taken, but, aside from one error (the tune is not by Francis Scott Key, author of the text, but is a venerable old drinking song from the public houses of England), he doesn’t go far enough; this particular anthem should have been trashed a long time ago. I am not referring to the fact that even operatic singers have difficulty negotiating its octave-and-a-half range, nor even that the tune is not of American origin, but what other national anthem so sanctifies a description of a battle, however heroic and historically important? And more interestingly, what other presumably peace-loving country has a national anthem that amounts to an apotheosis for rockets and bombs?

I say it is time to trash “The Star Spangled Banner” in favor of the admittedly somewhat dubious platitudes and improved singability of “America the Beautiful” (“O beautiful for spacious skies”). Reed is correct, desecration of the flag in this country is minuscule compared to the public tolerance for mutilation of the national anthem. I say change the anthem, and then sing it straight.


