
A recent episode of “21 Jump Street”...


A recent episode of “21 Jump Street” involved the issue of racism. It was so brilliantly written and performed that I simply don’t believe it can be equaled. My reasons for giving this review are simple. Ever since I was old enough to understand topics such as prejudice or racism (which unfortunately for me was at a very young age), I have always tried to distance myself. To me, the hate was a disease. Catch the disease and you’re hooked. I just couldn’t understand how men could hate each other solely on the basis of looks and beliefs. Even now at the age of 16, I still have problems coping with it. I admit that I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn, but it helps to know that I am not alone. My compliments to the cast and crew of “21 Jump Street” and Fox Broadcasting for their efforts in bringing this issue to the public’s attention.

Parham Eshraghian, Huntington Beach
