
Mission Viejo : Decision on Alcohol Use at Center Delayed

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After hearing citizens complain of the dangers of drinking and driving, the City Council has put off a decision on whether to allow the use of alcoholic beverages in the senior wing of the Oso Viejo Community and Senior Center.

The council, with two members missing, decided to hold a public hearing on the proposal Sept. 25.

“We await a full council with apologies to those who came here tonight expecting action,” said Councilman Robert A. Curtis, one of three council members in attendance at the Monday night meeting. Mayor William S. Craycraft and Mayor Pro Tem Christian Keena were absent.


At a previous meeting, the council had turned down the request, but the issue was raised again by a seniors’ club.

A resubmitted request would allow nonprofit groups to consume alcohol in the senior wing of the Oso Viejo Community and Senior Center with a $250 refundable deposit before the event.

Several parents in the audience complained that the policy could endanger the lives of children who use the park at the community center and warned that it could lead to more drunk drivers.
