
Armored-Car Guard Shoots Himself in Leg

An armored-car guard accidentally shot himself in the leg Thursday after he cocked his revolver to protect himself from two suspicious-looking men outside his truck in Palmdale, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department reported.

Christofer Stoll, 22, was returning the gun to his holster as he sat in the truck about noon when the weapon discharged, striking him in the right leg above the knee, Sgt. Jerry Wolf said.

Stoll was listed in good condition Thursday afternoon at Palmdale Hospital Medical Center, said hospital spokeswoman Connie Ruder.


Stoll drew the gun and cocked its hammer when he saw two men acting suspiciously outside the truck, which was parked in front of a Security Pacific National Bank branch in the 700 block of East Avenue Q-6, Wolf said. But the men left the area and did not try to rob him, he said.

In the past year, three guards have been killed in more than a dozen armored car robberies in the Los Angeles area.
