
Paying the Piper

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Re “Dance and Exercise Studios Paying the Piper,” by Julie Wheelock, Sept. 17:

As a self-employed musician, I can certainly sympathize with the small business owners who feel that the extra burden of paying the necessary ASCAP/BMI fees is not only difficult but ethically questionable. The unfortunate thing is that those very musicians and composers who write, arrange and produce the music that everyone feels they can use freely are often operating at a budget and living condition far below the life style of anyone who can afford to get a loan and open a business.

The majority of songwriters and composers registered to ASCAP and BMI are not the Michael Jacksons, able to afford the purchase of the entire Beatles catalogue. Most of them are struggling craftspersons depending on small quarterly payments.

In regards to the hiring of live musicians to replace records, I propose that every dance studio try to hire even one musician to play a full year of dance classes for $2,100. I’m sure they’d find that this price is a bargain even for the most unskilled musician available.



Los Angeles
