
Traffic Solutions and Measure A


Well, at long last we finally know what the Citizens for Sensible Traffic Solutions thinks was the alternative, the “better way,” to Measure A (last year’s growth initiative): more taxes. Gee, I never would have guessed.

Let me see if I have this straight: The courts threw out Measure A because they concluded that you cannot require developers to pay for traffic improvements when they didn’t create the problem.

Now they want me to pay for traffic improvements when I’ve paid gas tax for 20 years; I’ll have to pay to drive on the new toll corridors; and in purchasing a new home, I, not the builder, am paying for every single improvement to the roadway system through higher home prices. If I build a new home, I will have to pay numerous fees for road-building improvement, and they intend to attempt to raise the gas tax next year.


I didn’t cause the problem, but I’m asked to pay. Wow, what an unexpected and farsighted solution!

Boy, it’s a good thing the people who opposed Measure A took the burden off the responsible parties and put it back on the taxpayer. They admitted they lied to the public before, but I’m sure I can trust them now because “environmentalists” support it.

Sure, I’ll play the sap: I’ll fill out their phony Orange County Poll, then I’ll run right down and vote to pay more taxes.

Golly, I wouldn’t want the wealthy responsible parties to pay!


