
Prescott’s and Kelly’s Presence on City Council

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Regarding your article (Oct. 1) on the Tustin City Council, I would like to say that the behavior of Earl J. Prescott and John Kelly is an outrage and gross misuse of public office.

Before these men were elected, the Tustin City Council was a functional board of representatives, able to deal with city business and make the kinds of decisions that have made Tustin the third fastest-growing city in the county. Since the addition of Prescott and Kelly, the City Council has been mired in such disputes as whether the city should send an anti-abortion letter to Washington and whether council members should apologize for commenting on the rude and childish behavior of other council members.

For a city faced with rapid development, noise from both John Wayne Airport and the Marine Corps Air Station, Caltrans’ expansion of the Santa Ana Freeway, to name only a few of the pressing problems with which the City Council must deal, it is obvious that the presence of Prescott and Kelly is more than a mere nuisance. They are a serious detriment to the council’s ability to accomplish city business and should be recalled.




