
Council Panel to Study Palmdale Rail Link

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A Los Angeles City Council committee voted Tuesday to study a possible commuter rail route to Palmdale along the Antelope Valley Freeway, even though that city appears to be out of the running to become the main Southern California terminus for a high-speed rail line from Las Vegas.

When originally proposed, the Sylmar-to-Palmdale light-rail line was intended to link the San Fernando Valley with the $4-billion high-speed train as well as to transport passengers to Palmdale Airport. If it proves feasible, the city hopes to find a private developer to build and run the line.

Clifton A. Moore, executive director of the city’s Department of Airports, expressed disappointment that the Los Angeles-Nevada Super Speed Train Commission on Friday chose Anaheim over Palmdale.


But he told members of the council’s Commerce, Energy and Natural Resources Committee that he was encouraged that the bistate commission agreed to consider extending a spur to Palmdale off the Anaheim route. Construction of the spur is contingent upon the light-rail connection between Palmdale and Sylmar, Moore said.

“The opportunity is there if we can find a way to implement it,” he said.

The commuter rail proposal, already backed by Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, must be reviewed by the council’s Transportation Committee before it is sent back to the full City Council for a vote.
