
PV Transit Retained; Fares Cut

The Palos Verdes Estates City Council voted Tuesday to continue until June 30 its participation in PV Transit, the peninsula-wide dial-a-van service, and to reduce the one-way fee for occasional riders from $3.50 to $2. Subscription fares of Palos Verdes Estates residents will remain at $3.50 per ride.

The council in May increased the fares from $1, the amount other peninsula riders pay. At the time, council members said a small group of riders was monopolizing the service by booking subscription rides and locking out occasional riders, and that the cost was too heavily subsidized by special transportation funds. Since then, the percentage of users who live in Palos Verdes Estates has dropped from 21% to 5%, said Marta Espantman, who oversees PV Transit for the peninsula cities.

The council agreed to reduce the occasional-rider fare to help senior citizens.

The new fare becomes effective Feb. 1, 1990.
