
Mail Carrier Delivers 1 Million Safe Miles

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For 31 years, mail carrier David J. Rubio has navigated the often traffic-clogged West San Fernando Valley, steering clear of reckless drivers, careless children and darting dogs.

His driving record--1 million miles without an accident--has not gone unrecognized. On Friday, dozens of his Canoga Park Post Office colleagues applauded as Rubio received a National Safety Council plaque.

Postal officials said Rubio is the first carrier to receive the million-mile safe-driving award since the Van Nuys Division was established in 1986. Its 25,000-square-mile region extends through the San Fernando, Santa Clarita and Antelope valleys and Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, employing about 4,200 carriers.


Rubio’s driving record stands out because it was all done in the fast-growing West Valley, where traffic hazards abound.

“It’s kind of awe-inspiring,” said William G. Jackson, general manager of the Van Nuys Division. “It’s very significant. Our total accident costs for the division last year were over $10 million, when you take into account the costs we paid for workers compensation, medical bills and vehicle damage.”

Rubio, a 50-year-old lifelong Canoga Park resident, was modest about his accident-free record, which he said extends to off hours as well. “The best way I can explain it is I’ve been lucky,” he said. “I’ve come close many times.”


Just a few days ago, a speeding motorcyclist narrowly missed colliding with Rubio’s postal vehicle on a narrow stretch of Box Canyon Road.

After a brief stint as a bricklayer, Rubio joined the Canoga Park Post Office in 1958. “My father said it was a good, secure job and that during the next Depression, I’d still have a job,” he said. “When I started, there were only 10 routes in Canoga Park. Today, there are pretty close to 90.”

After accepting the plaque, Rubio worried about maintaining his accident-free record. “Watch me have one today,” he said with a laugh.
