
Life of a Ram Fan Has Ups and Downs

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I’ve been suffering for 20 years now, but as of today I feel like a new man. Gone are the August days when I wished that a miracle cure was just around the corner. Gone are the Sundays when my hopes would start to blossom, only to be snuffed out like a cigarette butt by the end of December. And thankfully, I will never again have to weather the cold of Minnesota or the winds of San Francisco, that have hovered over me like the messenger of death for years.

For this morning I awoke and realized what it has been that has kept me feeling so poorly for the last two decades. It was as if the skies had parted and a bright light shone down and lifted this great weight from my shoulders. Suddenly I felt a rush of elation, enough to bring me to tears. I’m free, free at last from the shackles that have bound me for so long.

Yes, today I no longer root for the Los Angeles Rams.

