
Vista : Owner Claims 225 Snakes, Will Move Them to L.A.

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The owner of 225 snakes impounded at a vacant Vista residence came forward to claim them Thursday but offered no explanation as to why or how long the reptiles were left untended, according to Sally Hazzard, director of the San Diego County Department of Animal Control.

John R. King told the county he would pick up his reptiles this morning and move them to the Los Angeles area. Before the snakes are released to King, however, the county will verify through its counterpart in that area that the destination’s zoning lets King maintain the quantity and breeds of snakes in his collection, Hazzard said.

The county impounded the snakes Tuesday night after neighbors complained to sheriff’s deputies of a stench. Inside the Lado de Loma Avenue residence, deputies found the live snakes, about 20 dead ones, and an assortment of exotic frogs and lizards. The creatures were turned over to the San Diego Zoo for care and identification.


A zoo official said the snakes appeared to have gone some time without food and water and some were dehydrated. Many were in small plastic and plastic-foam containers at the Vista house.

King may face citations for violating Vista laws that restrict the maximum number of snakes per household to 25. King also had boa constrictors and pythons that were longer than the 3 1/2-foot limit allowed by Vista, officials said. King must also pay $435 to the county and $350 to the zoo for expenses before he can get his snakes back, Hazzard said.

If the 20 dead snakes died of unnatural causes, King may also face criminal animal mistreatment charges, Hazzard said.
