
Rothenberg Release and Media Coverage


The McMartin debacle can be attributed in large part to slanted reporting. Hysteria was fanned by some of the most outrageous and unverified accusations, which were not identified as such. Many of the stories appealed to the horror one feels at child molestation. As a result, most public opinion is that the issue is unresolved. Many think that the defendants were guilty and escaped on technicalities. Meanwhile, the reputations and financial well-being of many people were ruined. The media are now issuing their mea culpas and will no doubt go right back to continuing the same course.

Now we are subjected to a media blitz regarding the Rothenbergs. Everyone would agree that the crime is odious and despicable. But no new material is being presented. There is simply repetition of details, now thoroughly familiar to every literate person. What is expected from a solo news conference by David in response to media pressure?

The media will be in intense competition to find the location of Charles Rothenberg and to publicize it so local vigilantes can wave their placards for the cameras and create another “news event.” He is, rightly in my opinion, a pariah. We do not need to embrace or forgive him unless we choose to do so. Neither do we need to have passions aroused by continued press coverage, with exploitation of a courageous young man as illustrated by large front-page photographs.


