
Malathion Spraying and Cancer Risk


The state and county authorities need to stop the malathion spraying program immediately in Orange County!

Regardless of the technical and medical questions about the efficacy of malathion spraying and the short-term and long-term medical impacts, hundreds of thousands of citizens, taxpayers and residents of central Orange County are being needlessly put at risk and put money out of pocket.

What is the rush to spray? Why not try the equally effective methods of biological control (sterile male flies) and physical control (tree stripping, quarantines, etc.)?


Why are our state and county authorities afraid of open public hearings and an honest independent review of this program? Why do we have a “state of emergency” for a problem we have had for 10 years?

Why are we so intent on preserving the profits of the agricultural chemical companies and the large corporate farming interests that we brush aside all local opposition and put down all independent authorities?

The Medfly is apparently here to stay. Let’s establish a long-term biological control program that will keep the pest population in reasonable control. Let’s not endanger the lives, safety and well-being of hundreds of thousands of Orange County residents.



Garden Grove Residents Against Malathion Spraying
