
Irvine Co. to Launch Weekly Newspaper in Tustin : Media: The Irvine Co. is set to start Tustin Today within two weeks, amid suspicions that the free paper will be used to promote development.

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The Irvine Co., whose Irvine World News has achieved a measure of journalistic respectability despite suspicions about the motives of its owner, will start a new weekly newspaper in Tustin within the next two weeks.

Dubbed Tustin Today, the paper will be distributed free to all Tustin residents and will have a circulation of 30,000 to 35,000. Brien Manning, publisher of the Irvine World News and of Tustin Today, will introduce the publication to community leaders at a breakfast Friday.

The move into Tustin, where the Irvine Co. is developing the Tustin Ranch, could spark a debate over the giant land developer’s role in the news business, especially since the launch of Tustin Today could create problems for the 68-year-old, independently owned Tustin News.


Tustin Councilman Earl Prescott, who has received editorial support from the Tustin News, called the advent of Tustin Today “a sad day for Tustin,” and voiced the suspicion that the new paper would be used to advance the political interests of the Irvine Co. But other local leaders adopted a wait-and-see attitude toward the new publication.

Manning has consistently denied that company interests influence the editorial content of the Irvine World News. He also said no plans were in the works to expand beyond Tustin into the new Irvine Co. communities east of Orange.

Tustin News owner and publisher Bill Moses had no comment on the launch of Tustin Today and declined to discuss how he would respond to the competition.


Unlike most community newspapers, the Tustin News has paid subscribers. Moses said the paid circulation currently stands at 7,000. In addition, the Tustin News has a sister paper, the Tustin Outlook, which is distributed free to all residents.

One local publisher, who asked not to be identified, expressed doubt that Tustin could support two community weeklies, and suggested that the old-style format of the Tustin News would make it hard for the paper to compete.

But Manning said he believes Tustin can support two papers, and emphatically denied that he expects to put Moses out of business. “Anyone who thinks it’s easy to start up and go toe-to-toe with an entrenched paper is wrong,” Manning said.


He added, however, that Tustin Today would be able to take advantage of the strong advertising base of the Irvine World News by urging local retailers and others who advertise in Irvine to advertise in Tustin as well. The composing, printing and administrative functions of Tustin Today also will be handled through existing World News facilities.

Initially, the new paper will have a full-time staff of seven at its offices on El Camino Real, Manning said. He declined to say how much would be spent on the launch.

A local publisher who has long followed the local weekly newspaper market said that while the Irvine Co. has frequently used the World News to promote its pro-development political interests, “Manning has done a great job turning it into a more legitimate newspaper.”

On at least one occasion, in 1985, the paper was consciously used as an Irvine Co. company public relations vehicle. Documents obtained by The Times in 1988 showed that letters to the editor were planted by company officials, and editorials were scheduled to coincide with important City Council meetings.

The weekly newspaper business has exploded over the past decade, as readers search for local political and social news not covered by large, metropolitan daily newspapers. One group of 30 weekly newspapers in Orange and Los Angeles counties was recently sold to Freedom Newspapers Inc., which publishes the Orange County Register, for an estimated $20 million in a deal expected to close late next month.


Orange County’s largest landowner, the Irvine Co., will launch a weekly newspaper in Tustin, called Tustin Today. The company is hoping to duplicate the success of its Irvine World News. Circulation area of “Tustin Today.” Circulation area of “Irvine World News.” Land owned by The Irvine Co.
