
Drug Testing

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“Police Union Fights Random Drug Testing” (Metro, Feb. 17) sets forth the purported position of the Los Angeles police union on drug testing of police officers. There are some issues in a democratic society that do not lend themselves to the democratic process of decision by majority vote. The safety of the citizens of Los Angeles is at issue here.

The purported opposition to “modification of their four-year contract in the middle of the term” does not directly address the issue of drug testing of police officers. It merely addresses the question of modification of contract--and, the so-called results of a survey of members were based on those “responding” to the survey. The response to such surveys of the Los Angeles Police Department is usually 10% to 20% of those surveyed, but no matter.

The real issue here is public safety. What must be said to Lt. George Aliano (union president) and to all persons employed in occupations where public safety is involved is that drug addiction or being under the influence of drugs during employment will not be tolerated.


Drug testing is the only way this can be ensured to any degree of certainty.


