
Medfly Spraying


To quote Gov. George Deukmejian, “I know in my heart that what we are doing is not harmful to the people” (Part A, Feb. 23). With all due respect, sir, we the people were hoping for something a little more substantial, like facts. As an elected official you owe us that. The burden of proof should not have to rest on our shoulders; and if there are negative effects from the spraying, chances are they won’t show up in time to stop it. No indeed, sir, you will be able to skip town long before you will held accountable for this abomination.

The proponents of malathion spraying have let the citizens of Southern California know that the needs of the ever powerful, ever profitable agricultural industry take priority over their own needs.

The concerns and priorities of those in charge here are really beginning to frighten me. This “spray the people no matter what they think” attitude has a chilling Orwellian tone to it--maybe not, this is probably even too bizarre for Orwell.



