
Environmental Effect


So it has finally come to light that the Marine Corps Air Station in El Toro has been polluting our ground water and the atmosphere, plus the horrendous noise pollution and ever-present danger of crashes with live bombs and flares aboard!

For more that 40 years, this has been going on according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency! Hasn’t anyone told the Marine Corps that World War II is over?

The Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro should be at the top of Defense Secretary Richard Cheney’s list of bases to shut down. Their so-called “Mission” has been obsolete for more than 20 years, and this very expensive “country club” has been nothing but an unnecessary expense to the taxpayers for much too long a time.


Surrounded by residential housing now and with Orange County bursting at the seams with the tremendous demand for affordable housing, how about plowing up those runways and giving our harassed residents a fair shake for a change!


Laguna Hills
