
WESTMINSTER : Changes Sought in Proposed Dog Law

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Consideration of a proposed ordinance on vicious dogs has been delayed two weeks after the City Council requested several modifications.

Among the requested changes was that the law include a requirement that the owner of a dog declared potentially dangerous or vicious maintain homeowners or general liability insurance for at least $200,000.

Under the ordinance, which was presented by the city attorney, a dog would be classified as potentially dangerous or vicious by a three-member commission appointed by the council. The commission would also have the authority to order a vicious dog destroyed.


The push for stricter dog laws came as the result of the Feb. 2 dog attack on 6-year-old Jeffrey Kerley, who was mauled by two 100-pound Rottweilers as he played near his home in the 7700 block of 19th Street. He received 75 stitches.

Jeffrey’s father, Noble Kerley, attended Tuesday’s City Council meeting and said he was satisfied with the city’s proposed ordinance.

“The ordinance looks pretty good, pretty clean,” Kerley said. “It’s too late to help my son, but maybe it will help other victims in the future.”


The council will vote on the revised ordinance at a March 27 meeting.
