
Raiders Return to Oakland

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When Davis brought the Raiders to Los Angeles eight years ago, all we wanted from the Coliseum Commission was a competitive stadium. What Davis got was an endless round of lying, double talk, broken promises and one totally raw deal. As a result, the only real football man in the NFL decided he had no other alternative but to take professional sport’s winningest franchise out of Los Angeles.

From 1987 through 1989, I served on the board of directors of the Greater Los Angeles Raiders Booster Club. As a result, I got to meet many of the players, coaches, and staff, and on one occasion, Davis himself. I can honestly state, from first-hand experience, that nobody did more to make the fans feel like they were part of the team than Davis.

While I’m disappointed that my football team is moving to Oakland, I’ll always cherish my Raiders memories. Mr. Davis, thank you for giving Los Angeles its only Super Bowl victory, and on behalf of the entire fan population, thank you for making me feel like I was part of the Raiders. Even though I won’t be able to make all the games up in Oakland, I’ll still be a loyal Raiders fan.



Los Angeles
