
Major League Umpires Will Return to Spring Training Games Friday

From Associated Press

Major league umpires will report to work Friday, ending a weeklong boycott of spring training games while their labor dispute goes to binding arbitration.

The umpires’ union and league presidents agreed Tuesday to let a retired Philadelphia judge resolve their differences, including whether umpires should be paid for spring games canceled during the owners’ 32-day lockout.

“We’re delighted to see the umpires go back to work,” union director Richie Phillips said.

The agreement was reached under the prodding of U.S. District Judge Norma L. Shapiro of Philadelphia, who was scheduled to hear arguments in the leagues’ request for an injunction forcing the umpires to work.


Instead, the sides met for several hours, then emerged, saying that retired Common Pleas Judge Stanley Greenburg would decide the issues, starting with a hearing today.
