
Wine Exhibit Fund-Raiser Set


The California Wine Patrons, still $50,000 short of its goal for funding of the Hernando Courtright California Wine Exhibit in Los Angeles, announced it will kick off a final fund-raising campaign in May, seeking 50 more wineries as supporting members.

Raoul Balcaen, president of the Patrons, said the initial funding campaign raised $800,000, allowing the exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum of Science and Industry to open last Dec. 4. He said letters will be sent to wineries that have not yet joined the exhibit as sponsors, seeking support based on the wineries’ case production.

The exhibit covers 2,500 square feet of space in a lower level of the museum. It is aimed at educating consumers about the wine industry.


Included are computer-based interactive exhibits that look at wine making, pairing wine with food, wine aromas, and the various microclimates of the state and what makes them unique.

There even is a computer that examines what the body’s blood-alcohol level would be under various levels of consumption of table wine.

For information on the wine exhibit fund-raising campaign contact: Raoul Balcaen, 221 Woodruff Ave., Los Angeles 90024.
