
Lobbying for a Law That Transcends Smoke Alarms


What an important message in the March 31 issue (concerning Joe Bell’s column on people who wouldn’t leave a movie theater when the fire alarm sounded).

This issue is as important as smoke alarms. As a matter of fact, in line with what you say about the smoke alarm, an important law loses most of its purpose precisely because of the timidity of the public, i.e., “who’s going first.” I feel strongly that this issue needs a force with clout to start lobbying for the importance of a public address system to be tuned to instruct the crowds in public places simultaneously with the alarm. I think the need for this is great enough that, with the proper presentation to the public and to the “powers that be,” it could eventually become a law that would go right along with the smoke alarm law.

JUSTICE S. LAUB, Laguna Hills
