
Overcrowded School Options

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In the California Commentary (April 16) there was an error in my “Point” section of the article.

There is a reference on the solutions that the district has been using to relieve the severe overcrowding in our schools which states that we have “instituted double- and staggered-day schedules.”

These were options that were considered by our Board of Education many years ago when we were looking at all possibilities to find enough classroom seats for the growing student population; although both double sessions and staggered days were considered in the past, only double sessions were used in the district (about 20 years ago) and it was determined that it was a less than satisfactory solution.


We are now using the year-round operation and will be utilizing this option, either single-or multi-track for all our schools in the 1991-92 school year. The members of the Board of Education felt that this was the best way to meet the district’s current enrollment needs.

I wanted to clear up this point and provide the programs we are currently using.



Los Angeles Unified School District
