
COSTA MESA : First-Grader Snags $2,000 Scholarship


Somer Flaherty was born more than 100 years after Nellie Bly, one of journalism’s most notable female pioneers. But 7-year-old Somer, who will be awarded a college scholarship by her local girls club later this month, is determined to follow in Bly’s footsteps.

“I would like to be a news reporter,” the first-grader wrote on the application for a $2,000 award. “I tell everyone everything, and my nickname at home is roving reporter.”

Flaherty was chosen from more than 50 applicants for the first annual “She Knows Where She’s Going” scholarship, offered by the Newport Mesa Girls Club. The money will be placed in a trust and made available to Somer in the year 2000, when she graduates from high school, said Susan Kline, a spokeswoman for the selection committee.


In the meantime, Somer says, she will practice for the job.

“All the time, my mom says why don’t you go and write stuff down while you’re waiting,” Somer said. “I write stories about animals and insects, butterflys and spiders.”

Along with making up stories, she also covers the news of the neighborhood.

“One time I wrote about my mom, when she took my next-door neighbor’s cat to the vet because it got hit by a car, but it didn’t die,” Somer said. The neighbor, she said, enjoyed the story.

“She said, ‘Oh, this is such a good story, I have to keep it,’ ” Somer said.

Judges considered four elements when reviewing the anonymous applications, Kline said. They looked at the youngster’s maturity, academic achievements, extracurricular activities and the family’s financial needs.

Recommendations were solicited from second-grade teachers at every public and private school in the area, Kline said, and were also available to parents through the Girls Club. On the application, the children were asked to write essays or draw pictures and file letters from teachers and family friends giving information about the child.
