
Yeas and Nays for Irvine Mayor Candidate Sally Anne Sheridan


The pillars of political integrity are shaking in Irvine after revelations that City Councilwoman Sally Anne Sheridan has engaged in dozens of real estate transactions with city employees and Irvine Co. executives that netted the Sheridans’ real estate partnership a handsome profit of more than $130,000 since Sheridan joined the council in 1986 (May 17, Orange County Section).

These transactions presumptively taint Sheridan’s capacity to render objective and disinterested judgments on matters concerning city employees and the Irvine Co.

How can we ever know if Sheridan’s votes on important policies--such as the Irvine Business Complex, open space preservation or residential developments, which all involve the Irvine Co.--were influenced in any way by her business relationships with Irvine Co. executives?


How can we be certain that the explicit or implied promise of future real estate deals from the Irvine Co. doesn’t color Sheridan’s view of what policy decisions are in the best interest of all Irvine residents?

We can’t, and that fact should outrage every resident in this city! We shouldn’t have to worry about the judgmental integrity of our elected representatives. Their capacity for objective, fair and effective decision-making should never be compromised by financial transactions with major interests in the city for personal gain or profit.


