
Border Lights

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The people who wish to light up the border throw aside accusations that they are racists by claiming that they want only to draw attention to Mexican citizens who come across the border illegally and prompt Mexico’s government and ours to stop this flow of human traffic.

The debate as to whether or not they’re really racists could go on and on, without perceptions from either side of the argument changing.

The reality, however, is: Those who light up the border don’t seem to realize that their headlights cast long, depressing shadows on the proud human beings who, through their hopes and dreams, seek only to better their lives and the lives of their loved ones.


No matter how one feels about this social issue, be it an issue of racism or not, no one struggling to survive deserves to have her or his dream turned into a nightmare by beams of light shining from the vehicles of people who enjoy the freedom and lifestyle they desire.

None of us has the answer, but we can’t begin to solve the problems at our border until we dim our lights and try to understand in a spirit of compassion.


San Diego
