
Vivisection Response


I must express my dismay over “TV ‘Adver-torial’ Makes Fur Fly,” by Greg Braxton (May 24). I am 100% against vivisection and applaud the article itself. But, as it points out, many TV stations are refusing to run Javier Burgos’ commercial because viewing these animals in such distress is too upsetting for many people. An article with no pictures would have been sufficient.

Imagine my surprise in perusing leisurely through each section of the paper and coming suddenly upon the picture of the cat (almost exactly like mine at home) with electrodes embedded in its head and its head restrained in a sling, on the front page of Calendar--the entertainment/arts section of The Times. (I thought it was on the front page of View!) Your view of entertainment is extremely distorted. In my opinion, you fed right into the hands of Burgos and gave him exactly what he wanted--and probably a wider audience to boot. All it gave me was a trip to the bathroom to get rid of my lunch!


Santa Monica
