
The Lost Generation


For those who missed Peter Rainer’s article “Hollywood’s Lost Generation of Women” (June 3), I suggest that you search your newspaper piles to find it; it raises some vital concerns about women in Hollywood today. Rainer addresses the reasons why talented actresses are faced with such flat, sexist roles. Throughout the article, Rainer offers some insight into why this tragedy is sweeping Hollywood. Hollywood does not want and does not know how to approach women’s issues.

It is absolutely insulting for Hollywood to assume that people won’t want to see funny, intelligent, sensitive women in action. Why can’t they ask themselves, “You mean there are extraordinary women of today and yesterday?” Yes! Women of all different colors, sizes and backgrounds who have shaken the world unnoticed. If we can’t learn of women heroines in the classroom, Hollywood should consider its position to educate in society.

It was to my distress this weekend that I could not find one film I could drag myself to see, and Rainer’s article helps to examine why Hollywood’s summer lineup lacks integrity. I do not want to see a sequel, or violent images of men in grease paint shooting everywhere to save humanity. Is it really too much to ask? I want to see a film, one that does not depict women as only Barbie doll hookers, money-hungry sex machines, or murderous villainettes.


Please, give actresses a choice , and give us a break. I think for now, like Rainer, we’ll have to wait.


