
L.A. Board of Supervisors Fight Against Redistricting Decision

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MALDEF attorney Antonia Hernandez, in her column “Latino Win Is Really a Victory for All” (Commentary, June 6), argues that the federal court ruling against the Board of Supervisors’ districting will now allow Latinos “the chance to fully participate in county politics.”

Latinos already do participate by exercising their right to vote by electing their county representatives. To argue that a Latino official would better represent Hispanics than a white is simply racist. The job should go to the best qualified individual, and race, color or creed should not matter.

It’s ironic that The Times, MALDEF and the ACLU cry foul when Latinos don’t have their “own” county district, and yet fail to support the Republican Party in its battles against the unfair Democrat-controlled redistricting process.



Palos Verdes Estates
