
Water Rate Discussion Is Postponed

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The San Diego City Council on Tuesday agreed to Mayor Maureen O’Connor’s request to delay until early August a discussion of new water rates.

The new rates would penalize single-family water customers who use substantially more water than the average utility customer.

O’Connor argued that discussion of the new rate structure would “send the wrong message” to San Diegans who have cut back substantially on water use since a voluntary conservation program began June 1. In early August, the council will learn whether San Diegans have met the 10% voluntary reduction being sought.


O’Connor also voiced concerns that, as proposed, the new rates would apply only to single-family homes, not to apartments or condominiums.

The five-tiered water rate program is supposed to promote conservation by raising the rates as more water is used. The proposed program would replace a single-price program now in place.
