
Rail Cars Get Names in Ceremony for New Line

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Mayors of 52 cities in Los Angeles County christened 52 cars on Tuesday for the new 22-mile Metro Blue Line light-rail transit system which begins operation next month.

The mayors smashed bottles of carbonated water on the bumpers of the 87-foot-long cars, each named for one of the 52 cities, including nine that the line runs through.

The ceremony was held to promote the July 14 opening of the transit line linking Long Beach and Los Angeles. The Blue Line is the first completed segment of an anticipated 150-mile public rail system set to be completed by 2020. Two other rail lines are due to open in 1993.


Blue Line trains are expected to operate every 10 minutes until 1 a.m. during the week, and every 15 minutes on weekends.

The white trains, with red, blue and black stripes, will travel at up to 55 m.p.h.
